Saturday, January 31, 2009

Insider or Outsider?

When it comes to multicultural literature I would consider myself both an outsider and insider but mostly an outsider.  The only reason why I could consider myself an insider is because I am female and in some of the definitions, the authors in our course pack have given,  gender could be considered apart of multicultural literature.  I am an outsider because I am apart of the mainstream culture.  As an outsider, I wish my elementary and middle school teachers had exposed me to multicultural literature a lot more than what they did.  I think if my teachers included more books about Asian Americans, African Americans, Mexican Americans, and Native Americans in my Language Arts classes and designed lesson plans around these cultures then I would probably not feel so naive to the issues of multiculturalism.  

1 comment:

  1. I feel the same way. I wish I was more exposed to multicultural lit because I think then I would feel more comfortable with the topics. Right now I feel really apprehensive to discuss other cultures because I don't know a whole lot about the cultures so I keep quiet so I don't seem ignorant. I think exposing children to other cultures early will help them to be more comfortable with those cultures and will keep them from feeling like such an outsider.
