Saturday, February 28, 2009

Seen and Heard

I watched The View this past Friday and in the beginning of the show the women talk about different things and this episode they talked about stereotypes and what stereotypes are offensive, I immediately thought of this class!  They debated and talked about different stereotypes and how in the past stereotypes were not as big of an issues as they are now.  Their conversation intrigued me because two of the hosts are black and to hear their take on the issue was interesting.  As they were talking it seemed to me that there are a lot of offensive stereotypes out there for African-Americans than there are for whites.  

Also when I was watching T.V. the new Oreo commercial came on and I have seen this commercial a couple of times before, but it never clicked until now to apply it to this class.  The commercial has a white red-haired young girl on one train and on the other train there is a young Asian girl, both girls look the same age and both are eating Oreos.  As the red-haired girl is making movements and eating her Oreo, the Asian girl is doing the same exact thing.  Then as the red-haired girl turns to her mom, I believe, and then looks to the other train, the train is gone.  Even though this is an advertisement for Oreo and the main point is that all kids around the world eat Oreo, I think it can unite kids in the sense of showing them that no matter what you look like or where you live everyone has the same interest or does the same things.  

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