Thursday, April 16, 2009


Thought I should share....I really enjoyed reading Boy Meets Boy by David Levithan.  Even though the main character was gay, I could totally relate to many of the things he was going through in high school, especially the relationship drama.  I have to say Infinite Darlene was a trip to read about and added humor in the story. 


  1. I can not agree more with being able to relate to this book! I was completely wrapped up in the entire end portion of the book, and found myself constantly thinking back to situations and people that paralleled what Paul was saying. I even had to push back a group meeting this afternoon because I wanted to finish the book. It wasn't until after I finished the book that I really thought about the focus of the book being about a homosexual boy...because during the entire reading I never really thought about it deeper than a base level. And then I thought, how wonderful! What a great way to show audiences that being homosexual is no different than being heterosexual! It was great that Paul's family was so accepting and he was so sure of himself, I think this is a great message to send to young adults struggling with their identity and sexuality...overall I think this book relates a great message of acceptance and similarity.

  2. I agree! I have not completely finished the book yet, but I definitely can relate to Paul. I think that this book is highly entertaining and it gives me a different view on acceptance of people who are apart of the gay community, and how it is easier (at least in this book) for the reader to find more similarities than differences in a character that could be so much different then themselves.

  3. I think that the author is a great writer. He was funny--and Infinite Darlene was hilarious... but I can't help but think of how innacurate the setting of the book is. I talked a lot about this in my QTT paper. The setting is completely unrealistic and unless something drastic changes to people's prejudices soon, it is far fetched to see life in the LBGTQ community in such a positive light. But it would sure be nice if this is the way things really were! I agree, though, it was a good book.

  4. I agree with this story being places in an unrealistic setting, however what a great way for kids who are not involved in the LGBTQ community to understand that kids no matter their identity are faced with the same questions.

  5. I also had a difficult time accepting the community in which Paul lived. Everything about it was unique in some way, and although this made the story interesting and provided the basis for an accepting, loving community, it really was unreal (unfortunately)... like the "I Scream parlor" and the cheerleaders on Harleys. This just makes me wonder if a community that is not so "unique" could share the same values. Levithan deliberately chose to portray Paul's town in this way; so why would he make it so unrealistic?
